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Dies ist ein Modell der Schallabsorption durch einen porösen akustischen offenzelligen Schaumstoff. In porösen Materialien breitet sich der Schall in einem Netzwerk aus kleinen, miteinander verbundenen Poren aus. Da die Dimensionen der Poren klein sind, entstehen Verluste durch ... Mehr lesen
This verification model uses the Electromagnetic Waves, Boundary Elements interface to simulate the RCS of perfectly conducting sphere. The simulated result is compared to analytical calculation to verify the accuracy. Mehr lesen
In this model, the scattering coefficient of a Schroeder diffuser is calculated. This coefficient can then be used as input to express boundary conditions in typical room acoustic simulations. The effect of periodicity is also investigated by studying the responses from different ... Mehr lesen
Classical MHD benchmark problem was solved analytically by J. Hartmann. He considered laminar incompressible flow between two planes (in planar duct) in transversal imposed magnetic field under next assumptions: * fully developed flow (far from inlet) * fluid properties are constant * ... Mehr lesen
Magnetic prospecting is a geological exploration method that is applicable to certain types of iron ore deposits, in particular those made up of magnetite and hematite. The method consists of measuring the magnetic anomalies (changes in the earth's magnetic field) due to the presence of ... Mehr lesen
This is a 2D model of an anisotropic porous absorbing material. The absorption coefficient alpha are determined as functions of frequency for three different incidence angles. The example uses Periodic Floquet boundary conditions. The model uses two different methods for modeling the ... Mehr lesen
This is a conceptual model of a microphone placed in an infinite baffle (flush mounted). The purpose is to determine the free-field level correction curve of the setup, which includes the exterior domain, microphone grid, and volume between the grid and the diaphragm. The microphone ... Mehr lesen
This model is of the P.57 Type 4.3 Full-band Ear Simulator. The model includes the geometry of the ear canal as well as the pinna defined in the ITU-T P.57 standard. The model also includes interpolation data for an ear drum impedance ensuring correct acoustic properties of the ear. The ... Mehr lesen
In this model, we use the Pressure Acoustics, Boundary Elements physics interface to analyze the acoustics of a generic head and torso simulator. This is a manikin head used to do standardized measurements for hearing aids, mobile phones, and headphones. The model showcases some ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell demonstriert die Simulation der Streuung einer ebenen Lichtwelle an einer Gold-Nanosphäre. Die Streuung wird für den optischen Frequenzbereich berechnet, in dem Gold als ein Material mit negativer komplexwertiger Permittivität modelliert werden kann. Das Fernfeldmuster und ... Mehr lesen