Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This tutorial models an ICP reactor by solving plasma fluid type equations fully coupled with the homogeneous and time-independent electron Boltzmann equation in the classical two-term approximation. The approximated Boltzmann equation is solved for each position of space and is coupled ... Mehr lesen
In his example, the lowest natural frequency of a 3D bracket are maximized using shape optimization. Mehr lesen
This model computes the particle flux, number density and pressure on the surface of a plate that rotates in a highly directional molecular flow. The results obtained are compared with those from other, approximate, techniques for computing molecular flows. Mehr lesen
This example models a split-and-recombine mixer channel in which a tracer fluid is introduced and mixed by multilamination. Diffusion is removed from the model using an extremely low diffusion coefficient so that any numerical diffusion can be studied in the lamination interfaces. The ... Mehr lesen
In this tutorial model, a six step thrust bearing is analyzed. A step thrust bearing consists of a stepped bearing surface on which the end of the shaft rotates. The entire assembly is submerged in a lubricant. The shaft collar is assumed to be spinning without any axial motion in the ... Mehr lesen
In this application, a solution is pumped through a catalytic bed where a solute species reacts as it gets in contact with the solid catalyst. The purpose of this example is to maximize the total reaction rate for a given total pressure difference across the bed, by finding the optimal ... Mehr lesen
The model compare the electromagnetic force calculated by virtual work and maxwell stress tensor methods on the axial magnetic bearing. The forces is evaluated by studying the effect of a small displacement on the electromagnetic energy of the system. This is done by using the Magnetic ... Mehr lesen
This model is used on "Heat Transfer with Radiation in Participating Media and the Discrete Ordinates Method" to compare quadrature sets used in the method of discrete ordinates. To assess the performance of quadrature sets in complex geometries, results of incident irradiation and ... Mehr lesen
The catenary is the geometrical shape that corresponds to the curve followed by an idealized chain or cable supported at both ends and hanging under its own weight. The viscous catenary problem describes the motion of a cylinder of highly viscous fluid, supported at its ends as it flows ... Mehr lesen
A radome minimizes losses and improves radiation characteristics of an antenna through its design. The structure can be optimized to minimize the transmission loss and also designed to improve radiation characteristics including antenna directivity and side lobes. Shown in the model is ... Mehr lesen