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A double-ridged horn antenna is popularly used in anechoic chambers to characterize an antenna under test (AUT), from S-band to Ku-band, due to its reliable performance in a wideband frequency range. This tutorial models a double-ridged horn antenna and computes the voltage standing wave ... Mehr lesen
Creep is an inelastic time-dependent deformation which occurs when a material is subjected to stress at sufficiently high temperature, say 40% of the melting point or more. Experimental creep data (using constant stress and temperature) often display three different types of behavior ... Mehr lesen
In dieser Reihe von Verifikationsmodellen und der dazugehörigen Dokumentation wird die Genauigkeit von Berechnungen der elektromagnetischen Kraft untersucht. Mit verschiedenen Techniken werden die Gesamtkraft und das Drehmoment auf einen starren Körper bestimmt und mit analytischen ... Mehr lesen
Wenn eine Stimmgabel angeschlagen wird, schwingt sie in einem komplexen Bewegungsmuster, das mathematisch als Überlagerung von Resonanzmoden, auch Eigenmoden genannt, beschrieben werden kann. Jede Mode ist mit einer bestimmten Eigenfrequenz verbunden. Die Stimmgabel erzeugt ihren ... Mehr lesen
An antenna array is a group of radiating elements. By controlling the phase and magnitude of the input signal assigned to each antenna element and the number of array elements, the radiation pattern can be steered in a desired direction with a preferred level of gain. In this example, a ... Mehr lesen
A wideband antenna study, such as an S-parameter or far-field pattern analysis, can be obtained by performing a transient response analysis and a time-to-frequency fast Fourier transform (FFT). This model runs a time dependent study first and then transforms the dependent variable, the ... Mehr lesen
A dielectric resonator placed near a radiating element can be used to increase directivity and gain. Here, a block of quartz dielectric, with additional passive metallic antenna elements, is placed above a slot antenna. The fields in and around the antenna are solved for. The far field ... Mehr lesen
Dielectric microspheres can support whispering gallery modes with high optical quality factors. This model illustrates how to compute the different eigenmodes and resonance frequencies. The resonance frequencies are either filtered by their spatial localization in the resonator or by ... Mehr lesen
The layout of a district heating network is designed using topology optimization. Mehr lesen
This tutorial example models the currents and the concentration of dissolved metal ions in a battery (corrosion cell) made from an orange and two metal nails. This type of battery is commonly used in chemistry lessons. Instead of an orange, lemons or potatoes can also be used. Mehr lesen