Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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In this tutorial, the acoustics of an open-plan office space are analyzed using a wave-based approach in the time domain. An initial pulse is released and the room response is analyzed. Realistic frequency-dependent impedance conditions for the ceiling, carpet, and gypsum walls are ... Mehr lesen
Das Bessel-Array ist eine Möglichkeit, eine Reihe von Lautsprechern so anzuordnen, dass die Winkelschallverteilung der eines einzelnen Lautsprechers ähnelt. Bei diesem Modell werden fünf Bessel-Paneele in demselben Muster kombiniert, um ein rein radiales Schallfeld zu simulieren. Die ... Mehr lesen
Experiments on dry and wet soil samples are performed to understand their behavior under different loading conditions. In this example, the Extended Barcelona Basic (BBMx) soil model is used to simulate the wetting and drying paths in partially saturated soil samples under cyclic ... Mehr lesen
The vibration modes of a thin or thick circular disc are well known, and it is possible to compute the corresponding eigenfrequencies to arbitrary precision from a series solution. The same is true for the acoustic modes of an air-filled cylinder with perfectly rigid walls. A more ... Mehr lesen
This benchmark studies the nonlinear deformation of a spherical cap subjected to point load at center using 2D axisymmetric Solid Mechanics and Shell interfaces. The results from the Shell interface are compared with Solid Mechanics interface as well as with analytical results given in ... Mehr lesen
Ein 3D-Modell einer akustischen Falle in einer Glaskapillare mit einem Bias-Flow durch die Kapillare. Die Akustik wird durch ein oszillierendes elektrisches Potential über einen piezoelektrischen Wandler angeregt, das mechanische Schwingungen im Festkörper und ein akustisches Druckfeld ... Mehr lesen
A cable is a structural member which has stiffness only in its tangential direction, but virtually no bending stiffness. When supported only at its two ends it deflects under gravitational load forming a curve known as catenary. This example shows how to model components such as cables, ... Mehr lesen
This app demonstrates the following: Navigation system using toggle buttons in the ribbon and Back/Forward buttons in the settings window Selecting predefined or user-defined materials Using a table for input of geometry objects The app simulates a rotor bearing system consisting of ... Mehr lesen
A centrifugal governor is used to control the speed of rotating machinery. One of the most common applications is in controlling the RPM of an engine by regulating the fuel supply. This model illustrates the functioning of a spring loaded centrifugal governor. The dynamics of the ... Mehr lesen
A detailed description of these models can be found in our blog post “How Should I Evaluate Singular Stress Fields?”. The models are: notchedStrip.mph – Model for the initial studies of the stress field properties. singularityPower.mph – Small model solving the transcendental equation ... Mehr lesen