Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This example uses the thermal expansion of a laminated composite shell model to demonstrate the use of the feature Thermal Contact, Interface, applied on interfaces between layers in a laminated composite shell. The first study is computed neglecting this additional thermal resistance in ... Mehr lesen
This model is used on "Heat Transfer with Radiation in Participating Media and the Discrete Ordinates Method" to compare quadrature sets used in the method of discrete ordinates. The reference analytical solution of incident irradiation is obtained with 256 discrete directions. Errors in ... Mehr lesen
1D model of a thermal energy storage (TES) system consisting of a packed bed of pellets. Three approaches for heat transfer in porous media are compared: A one-equation local thermal equilibrium (LTE) model A two-equations local thermal nonequilibrium (LTNE) model A multiscale ... Mehr lesen
Fluence rate is a key parameter for ultraviolet (UV) water purifier. It describes the amount of radiation that pathogens absorb and is then directly related to the disinfection level of the purifier. The aim of this example is to demonstrate the fluence rate calculation with the ... Mehr lesen
This entry is a compilation of some examples from DIN EN 1991-1-2 (Actions on structures exposed to fire). Models that are included: 1. Cooling (HT) 2. Heating (HT) 3. Heat transfer through multiple layers (HT) 4. Thermal elongation (SME, thermal stress) 5. Thermal expansion (SME, HT, ... Mehr lesen
Hochleistungs-Batterie-Energiespeichersysteme (BESS) sind häufig mit Flüssigkeitskühlsystemen ausgestattet, um die von den Batterien während des Betriebs erzeugte Wärme abzuführen. Dieses Tutorial zeigt, wie man ein High-Fidelity-Modell eines flüssigkeitsgekühlten BESS-Packs definiert ... Mehr lesen
This example is about the modeling of the fiber drawing process. Thermal fiber drawing is a process in which a comparatively thicker structure is heated and drawn into extended lengths of microstructured fiber. This process is done by passing them through the furnace and pulling them ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial presents the averaging models available within the Heat Transfer in Porous Media interface, used to compute the effective thermal conductivity, when the local thermal equilibrium assumption is made. The models are compared for porosities ranging from 0 to 1, and for a ... Mehr lesen
In this example, a heat transfer model of a fiber composite's unit cell is analyzed with the Cell Periodicity feature. The homogenized thermal conductivity, density and heat capacity of a composite material are computed based on the individual properties of fiber and matrix. A comparison ... Mehr lesen
Dies ist eine Fortsetzung des Modells für Permanentmagnet-Motoren, das hier verfügbar ist. In diesem Modell wurde eine Wärmetransportanalyse durchgeführt, um den Temperaturanstieg für verschiedene Statorströme und Rotordrehzahlen zu berechnen. Anschließend wurde eine detaillierte ... Mehr lesen