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A 180° Ring Hybrid (Rat-Race Coupler) is a four-port network with 180° phase difference between two ports. It is cheaper to manufacture this type of microstrip line component compared to a wave guide 180° hybrid junction, so called magic-T. The objective of this model is to compute the S ... Mehr lesen
This benchmark model compares the damping coefficients of perforated plates from computation results versus experimental data. The simulation includes 18 different geometric configurations. It uses the Bao's perforation model, which is built-in in the Thin Film Flow physics interface. ... Mehr lesen
The model compare the electromagnetic force calculated by virtual work and maxwell stress tensor methods on the axial magnetic bearing. The forces is evaluated by studying the effect of a small displacement on the electromagnetic energy of the system. This is done by using the Magnetic ... Mehr lesen
Streamers are transient filamentary electric discharges that can develop in a nonconducting background in the presence of an intense electric field. These discharges can attain high electron number density and consequently a high concentration of chemical active species that are relevant ... Mehr lesen
A metallic cylindrical rod is hidden inside a spherical dielectric shell and its orientation is unknown. By studying the polarization-dependent scattered field of a cylindrical object and performing a parametric sweep as a function of polarization angle, the rod is detected for the ... Mehr lesen
Squeezed-film gas damping is a critical aspect of many MEMS transducers and actuators. In accelerometers, for example, inertia produces a motion that the device detects. A typical structure connects a large proof mass to surrounding structures with elastic beams, which forms a mechanical ... Mehr lesen
Biconical antennas are popular for very high frequency (VHF) measurement because they support a wide frequency range. They are also useful for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing where the antenna can be used as an RF source in susceptibility or immunity test. This model ... Mehr lesen
Breaker and disconnector devices are widely used in AC substations in power systems.In this model, the Electrostatics Interface is used to simulate the electric potential and electric field in a 110kV 3-phase high-voltage switchgear operating at 50 Hz. A surrogate model is also trained ... Mehr lesen
A circular waveguide filter is designed using a 2D axisymmetric model. Six annular rings added to the waveguide form circular cavities connected in series, and each cavity cutoff frequency is close to the center frequency of the filter. The simulated S-parameters show a bandpass ... Mehr lesen
In this model, we introduce a cloaking method using an electrically tuned monolayer of graphene. We will show that when a cylindrical dielectric scatterer is covered in graphene, the scattering cross section is greatly reduced at the designated frequency, making it electromagnetically ... Mehr lesen