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This is an example of a model of an induction motor in which the eddy currents are induced in the rotor by the time harmonic currents on the stator windings and the rotation of the rotor. In this example, we analyze the induction motor in 2D using the transient solver in the Rotating ... Mehr lesen
The bidirectional formulation of the Beam Envelopes interface can be used not only for counter-propagating wave simulations but also for waves propagating to up to two directions. In this model, an almost collimated Gaussian beam is excited at the left boundary and exhibits total ... Mehr lesen
UHF RFID tags are widely used for identifying and tracking animals. This model simulates a passive radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag for the UHF frequency range. With respect to the chip transponder’s complex impedance, a reflection coefficient is computed. This is done using an ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial example shows how to set port features in a physics interface when designing a coplanar waveguide (CPW) circuit that is useful for mmWave applications. Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell demonstriert die Simulation der Streuung einer ebenen Lichtwelle an einer Gold-Nanosphäre. Die Streuung wird für den optischen Frequenzbereich berechnet, in dem Gold als ein Material mit negativer komplexwertiger Permittivität modelliert werden kann. Das Fernfeldmuster und ... Mehr lesen
The dipole antenna is one of the most straightforward antenna configurations. It can be realized with two thin metallic rods that have a sinusoidal voltage difference applied between them. The length of the rods is chosen such that they are quarter wavelength elements at the operating ... Mehr lesen
A Biconical antenna is a type of wideband antenna with omni-directional radiation pattern in the H-plane similar to a dipole antenna. A coaxial feed is connected to the radiators using two 90 degree bent arms. The model shows that the biconical antenna works well in applications ... Mehr lesen
A waveguide filter is designed using shape optimization by moving and scaling rectangles in the geometry. The irises of the initial geometry are optimized to ensure good bandpass response and out-of-band rejection, while maintaining the double mirror symmetry. Mehr lesen
A waveguide filter is designed using shape optimization. The irises of the initial geometry are optimized to ensure good bandpass response and out-of-band rejection, while maintaining the double mirror symmetry. Mehr lesen
Graphen, in einem zweidimensionalen hexagonalen Gitter angeordnete Kohlenstoffatome, hat seit seiner experimentellen Entdeckung vor etwa zwei Jahrzehnten ein enormes Forschungs- und Anwendungsinteresse geweckt. Dieses magische Material ist nicht nur ultradünn, sondern weist auch eine ... Mehr lesen