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A trimmer capacitor has a variable capacitance. One way of obtaining this is to use parallel facing electrodes with a variable overlap area. In this example, the capacitance can be changed by turning one electrode using a screwdriver. Typically a linear angular response is desired. ... Mehr lesen
The electrostatically tunable parallel plate capacitor in this example is a typical component in various MEMS devices for radio frequencies that range between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. You can modify the distance between the two plates, as the applied voltage changes, through a spring ... Mehr lesen
A transient model of a capacitor is solved in combination with an external electrical circuit. The finite element model of the capacitor is combined with a circuit model of a voltage source and a resistor. A step change in voltage is applied, and the transient current through the ... Mehr lesen
This model illustrates the effect of oxygen and hydrogen formation and recombination on the performance and self-discharge of an electrochemical capacitor with a water-based electrolyte. A load cycle consisting of mixed constant current pulses and rest periods at an open circuit is ... Mehr lesen
Electrochemical supercapacitors feature relatively higher energy densities than conventional capacitors. With several advantages, such as fast charging, long charge–discharge cycles, and broad operating temperature ranges, electrochemical supercapacitors have found wide applications in ... Mehr lesen
Ein Kondensator mit einer angelegten sinusförmig zeitlich veränderlichen Spannungsdifferenz wird modelliert. Es wird ein großer Frequenzbereich berücksichtigt und die Impedanz des Geräts berechnet. Die Genauigkeit des Lösers wird untersucht. Die Beziehung zwischen der Impedanz im ... Mehr lesen
This example exemplifies how to optimize the design of a capacitor through optimization. A more detailed description of the phenomenon and the modeling process can be seen in the blog post "Changing the Dimensions of a Model Using Shape Optimization". Mehr lesen
A typical capacitor is composed of two conductive objects with a dielectric in between them. A voltage difference applied between these objects results in an electric field between them. This electric field exists not just directly between the conductive objects, but extends some ... Mehr lesen
Ein Kondensator ist in seiner einfachsten Form ein elektrisches Gerät mit zwei Anschlüssen, das elektrische Energie speichert, wenn eine Spannungsdifferenz zwischen den Anschlüssen angelegt wird. Die gespeicherte elektrische Energie ist proportional zum Quadrat der angelegten Spannung ... Mehr lesen
An electrostatically actuated MEMS resonator is simulated in the time and frequency domains. The device is driven by an AC + DC bias voltage applied across a parallel plate capacitor. The dependence of the resonant frequency on DC bias is assessed, and frequency domain and transient ... Mehr lesen