Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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Buckling is a structural instability that can lead to failure of a component even without initial material failure. Computation of the critical buckling loads and mode shapes can therefore be important from a design viewpoint, even though it has previously been determined that the ... Mehr lesen
Das folgende Modell untersucht die instationäre, inkompressible Strömung an einem langen Zylinder, der in einem Kanal im rechten Winkel zu dem entgegenkommenden Fluid steht. Der Zylinder ist etwas von der Mitte der Strömung versetzt, um die stationäre symmetrische Strömung instabil zu ... Mehr lesen
Consider an infinitely long steel cylinder resting on a flat aluminum foundation, where both structures are elastic. The cylinder is subjected to a point load along its top. The objective of this study is to find the contact pressure distribution and the length of contact between the ... Mehr lesen
In this benchmark example, a semi-elliptical crack at the inner surface of a cylinder is studied. The inside of the cylinder and the crack faces are subjected to a pressure load. The J-integral is calculated along the crack front, and the stress intensity factor is then compared with the ... Mehr lesen
This model calculates the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes of an unconstrained cylinder in axisymmetry. The model is taken from NAFEMS Free Vibration Benchmarks. The eigenfrequencies are compared with the values given in the benchmark report. Three different physics interfaces are ... Mehr lesen
In this example, a dynamic analysis of a three-cylinder reciprocating engine is performed to investigate stresses generated during operation, thereby permitting identification of the critical components. Demand for high power output relative to the weight of the engine requires careful ... Mehr lesen
Rotating cylinder Hull cells are an important experimental tool in electroplating and electrodeposition and are used for the measurement of nonuniform current distribution, mass transport, and throwing power of plating baths. The model reproduces the results for a commercially available ... Mehr lesen
Fiber composites are widely used in industrial applications. Compared to more traditional metallic engineering materials, fiber composites often have superior specific stiffness and strength properties, and they are often more corrosion resistant. Also, properties like strength, ... Mehr lesen
Die induzierten Ströme in einem Kupferzylinder erzeugen Wärme, die wiederum die elektrische Leitfähigkeit verändert. Das bedeutet, dass die Feldausbreitung gleichzeitig mit dem Wärmetransport durch den Zylinder und das umgebende System gelöst werden muss. Dieses Modell zeigt diese ... Mehr lesen
In this example, it is demonstrated how to extend the built-in linear elastic material model to a Cosserat material through the addition of microrotation degrees of freedom. A cylindrical bar under pure torsion is analyzed and the effect of the Cosserat length scale parameter on the ... Mehr lesen