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Turbulent fluid flow in pipes with constant temperature

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I think it is an easy question but I am new in COMSOL and I am really lost about what to do now.
I am trying to simulate a time dependent air distribution through several pipes in turbulent flow, just like a heat exchanger. The air comes from a main big pipe and is distributed through 15 smaller ones. In these smaller tubes, there is a constant temperature on the wall of the pipe.
Then the flux is joined together again. My objective is to verify the temperature difference between the air in inlet and the air in outlet.
I could simulate the flow using turbulent flow k-‎ε (spf) physics, the results are good.

My issue is to add the wall pipe temperature to the model. I tryed in several ways using the same paramethers for the flux but could not find a solution even for stationary.
1) Conjugate heat transfer with turbulent flow: which in my opinion is not good because I need to add a solid material for the pipes which just complicate the model since the material are not important in these case.
2) Non-isothermal flow (nitf): it looks to be the solution, I just added the temperature on the outside of the tubes, an outflow and symmetry heat. But it is not working.
There is a screenshot of the model attached.

Hope someone can help me. Thank you very much in advance!!

1 Reply Last Post 09.05.2014, 12:01 GMT-4

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Posted: 1 decade ago 09.05.2014, 12:01 GMT-4
just uploaded the model:
just uploaded the model:

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