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LiveLink for MATLAB Y Axis Label Mirroring Problem in Mac OS X

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When plotting a figure with the LiveLink for MATLAB, the Y label appears as a mirror image. I am running COMSOL 4.3a ( with 64-bit Matlab R2012b ( in Mac OS X Version 10.8.3. The problem does not occur if I make the plot directly in Matlab, so I believe it must be a bug in the LiveLink. Has anyone else experienced this problem or know if it is a known bug or have any workarounds? Any help would be appreciated - thank you. Code for the figure pasted below.

% Create figure for permeability dispersion
figure3 = figure('Color',[1 1 1],'Position',[1 51 640 450],'PaperPositionMode','Auto','Visible','on');

% Create axes
'XLim',[min(lambda_0)*1e9 max(lambda_0)*1e9],...

% Create real part of simulated plot
plot(lambda_0.*1e9,real(mu_sim),'MarkerSize',20,'Marker','.','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2,'Color',[1 0 0]);

% Create imag part of simulated plot
plot(lambda_0.*1e9,imag(mu_sim),'MarkerSize',20,'Marker','.','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2,'Color',[0 0 1]);

% Create xlabel
xlabel('Wavelength [nm]','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',18,...

% Create ylabel
ylabel('Relative Permeability (\mu)','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',18,...

% Create legend
legend('{\mu}_{real} (COMSOL)','{\mu}_{imag} (COMSOL)','location','Best');

1 Reply Last Post 10.02.2015, 18:07 GMT-5
COMSOL Moderator

Hello Brent Trenhaile

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Posted: 1 decade ago 10.02.2015, 18:07 GMT-5
Hi Brent,

I have the same problem for a while now. Since it doesnt show up when I save the figure I decided to ignore it but now it's becoming annoying.
Have you solved the issue?

Hi Brent, I have the same problem for a while now. Since it doesnt show up when I save the figure I decided to ignore it but now it's becoming annoying. Have you solved the issue? Thanks Michael

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