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2 decades ago
11.12.2009, 16:51 GMT-5
Hi - not sure this works, but if I understand you right, you should be able to define a 2D mesh on the internal boundary between the hemisphere and the plate, respectively, the face of the thin plate with the hole in (using Free Mesher/Boundary). Now you should be able to mesh the thin plate with the swep mesh. The Free Mesher should now work on the hemisphere.
-- kurt
Hi - not sure this works, but if I understand you right, you should be able to define a 2D mesh on the internal boundary between the hemisphere and the plate, respectively, the face of the thin plate with the hole in (using Free Mesher/Boundary). Now you should be able to mesh the thin plate with the swep mesh. The Free Mesher should now work on the hemisphere.
-- kurt
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2 decades ago
14.12.2009, 09:09 GMT-5
Hi, K.P.
Thank you for your reply.
As you mentioned, it is true that I can mesh the interface between two objects, but, the interface belongs to the thin plate will definitely has a hole, and it did not work when I try to use the "swept mesh".
Currently, my solution comes from a poster here named "mesh a thin plate" or something similar.
I divided the thin plate into at least two pieces-- a plate with a central hole and a central part whose surface is exactly equal to the bottom of the hemisphere. In this case , I can use the Swept mesh with no problem.
But, I made the central part by extruding the 2D circle, and I found the edge of circle is not consistent with the edge of 3D shpere well, or I should say rather rough.
These un-matched interface will lead to the inverted mesh element at their edge and a warning accured after all the calculation.
Does anyone meet the rough 2D problem before?
Hi, K.P.
Thank you for your reply.
As you mentioned, it is true that I can mesh the interface between two objects, but, the interface belongs to the thin plate will definitely has a hole, and it did not work when I try to use the "swept mesh".
Currently, my solution comes from a poster here named "mesh a thin plate" or something similar.
I divided the thin plate into at least two pieces-- a plate with a central hole and a central part whose surface is exactly equal to the bottom of the hemisphere. In this case , I can use the Swept mesh with no problem.
But, I made the central part by extruding the 2D circle, and I found the edge of circle is not consistent with the edge of 3D shpere well, or I should say rather rough.
These un-matched interface will lead to the inverted mesh element at their edge and a warning accured after all the calculation.
Does anyone meet the rough 2D problem before?
COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)
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2 decades ago
26.12.2009, 07:25 GMT-5
When I see your jpg, my first question is cannt you transform these cubes into cylinders?, so that you can use 2D-axi and get rif on one DoF.
If not, then I would split the parts into 4 symmetric items, using the split lines of the hemisphere. there are then 2 ways out.
Either the case is symmetric so one can work with symmetric/anti-symmetric boundaries and mesh only 1/4 of the problem.
Or, to work in full 3D. By having split the volumes, it is easier to apply a sweep mesh.
By the way a sweep mesh can be defined manually from ONE or SEVERAL starting surface(s), but then ending on only ONE opposed surfaces, allowing a simple projetion. I agree there are severe limitations in the topology to get it meshing by the sweep function, some excercices are often required.
Good luck
When I see your jpg, my first question is cannt you transform these cubes into cylinders?, so that you can use 2D-axi and get rif on one DoF.
If not, then I would split the parts into 4 symmetric items, using the split lines of the hemisphere. there are then 2 ways out.
Either the case is symmetric so one can work with symmetric/anti-symmetric boundaries and mesh only 1/4 of the problem.
Or, to work in full 3D. By having split the volumes, it is easier to apply a sweep mesh.
By the way a sweep mesh can be defined manually from ONE or SEVERAL starting surface(s), but then ending on only ONE opposed surfaces, allowing a simple projetion. I agree there are severe limitations in the topology to get it meshing by the sweep function, some excercices are often required.
Good luck